Tough Love Kettlebells Level 1 - PD4PTS


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Tough Love Kettlebells Level 1

Course Description:

Tough Love Kettlebells is a leader in kettlebell training and has designed one of the most comprehensive, industry relevant kettlebell workshops in Australia. The information and knowledge gained from this course will instantly improve your own training and that of your clients. The workshop is aimed at kettlebell enthusiasts and trainers new to kettlebells, who want to learn the safe and effective way of using the equipment. You will also be supplied with a highly detailed training and program manual which includes a plethora of information, opportunity to apply your newly gained skill and knowledge and, if you are a trainer or gym, ongoing personalised support regarding kettlebell training

Expect to Learn:

  • The fundamental kettlebell exercises progressions and regressions
  • The importance of transferring kettlebell exercises to functional movements
  • The relationship between functional movement patterns and safe technique + injury prevention.
  • How to identify and correct common mistakes made by beginners.
  • The importance of pre-screening and performing a dynamic movement assessment on clients before beginning training with kettlebells
  • To understand the importance of tension regulation throughout the body and the difference between ballistic exercises and grinding exercises
  • How to design kettlebell training programs for clients’ dependent on their goals

Presenter Details: Roger Saheli

One of Australia’s most knowledgeable and passionate Kettlebell trainers, Roger is an International Competitor in Girevoy Sport (the sport of KB lifting) and has over 10 years’ industry experience. From powerlifting to functional training; kettlebells and suspension/resistance band training, Roger has upskilled and expanded his knowledge to allow him to create some of the most sought after training and development courses in the industry.

Attendee Reviews:

“What a great experience! Roger Saheli is exceptional at not only the art of Kettlebells but the art of teaching. I completed Level 1 and Level 2 and feel confident in teaching these techniques to my clients. Personally I have noticed a significant change in my own mobility and stability throughout my whole body, simply due to fundamental movement patterns taught within the course” Scott Spragge

“After doing the Level 1 and 2 Kettlebells with Roger, my technique in all movements, not just kettlebells improved significantly. PT clients increased dramatically and I gained more beneficial movement patterns from these courses than the PT courses themselves. This just makes more sense” Michael Mischefski


Date & Time

  • February 22, 2020
    9:30 am - 5:30 pm


Venue:   Fit n Fast South Yarra

Level 2 Shop 2-001, 670 Chapel Street, South Yarra, 3141, Australia


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